Today is the official beginning of Celebrate Life. I have wanted to set sail for years and create this, but I was not ready. And I was scared.
See fear is the main reason we do not live true lives, true to our hearts, our selves, our God, and our passion. We do like to tell ourselves it is for different reasons, but when it really comes down to it. It's about fear.
So congratulate yourself on recognizing the many excuses you come up with to conceal the fact that you are scared. And then have faith and walk away from the fear....and cue awkward cheesy music....and into the light....whhhaaa? No really, walk into the light, the true light of who you are.
I invite you to begin today. Run, or walk, toward your fire. What you have to give to the world is big, bright, and beautiful (and no, I am not talking about some curvaliscious woman). I am talking YOU. YOU are cool. You are amazing. Settle for less and you WILL ALWAYS live in the past, in regret, and in fear. Be who you are. Step up today. MAKE ONNNNNNEEEEE step.
I invite you to take the first step in becoming who you really are.
One step could be, create an I AM statement. I think we like to lie to ourselves and tell ourselves we are less than we are. Bogus. WE ARE AWESOME. Have fun creating I AM statements for yourself or a personal mission statement. My husband and I had a lot of fun doing this the other day. We drew pictures and wrote statements of things we want to do, see, and be. Have fun with it. Make it your own. My husband already has one thing on his poster achieved. AFTER 1 day. That's it. Start now. Who knows what can happen in a day, a week, a month, 3 months, a year? No regret, people. Let's do it.
Poste and share what you are going to do TO-DAY to Celebrate you and your life.
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